#14: No guest but nuggets – Stoicism, intersections and frolicking with philosophies

The host duo have another episode by themselves, this time focusing their chat on stoicism and finding calm in the storm. Building off stories of saints and strife, Seneca and St. Augustine, the two share lessons and experiences they’ve employed stoicism. From Marcus Aurelius, Mandela, teachings of Christ and compassion, to Kamande‘s family and covid experience and Kigondu‘s love and career choices, this episode invites one to think deeper about their internal operating system, spirituality and decision making in high stress seasons. Memorable miale moments crown the short listen and a curious addition by the sound engineer (Abu) is great icing on the cake.

Some Show Notes:

– BBB on Switch TV

– Tim Ferriss Ted talk on Fear setting

Secular Buddhism podcast

The Daily Stoic and everything Ryan Holiday
– Meditations by Marcus Aurelius [Link]