#44: No guest but nuggets; The one on Kipchoge Philosophy lessons and What would ‘Denzel’ do? moments

As they wrap the second season of the podcast in a classic No guests but Nuggets episode, Kamande and Kigondu sit and exchange thoughts on growth, leadership and expansion. With this one just by themselves, their musings cover intentions, inflections, deflections and elevations around work, their personal lives, podcasting and beyond. Kigondu shares a note or two from his experience working on his award winning one-person performance ‘Supernova’, as Kamande shares reflections from expansion of mandate both at home and at work. Starting off with memories and vibe around public holidays, rituals and meaning, the duo go on to underline lessons from Kipchoge, rethinking failure, share their reflections on leadership styles, climate action, earlier podcast episodes, mentorship, alignment, music, realizations, gratitude and more.


Show notes